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研討會論文 |
張瑞當、方俊儒,2005,「集團企業盈餘管理行為之探討」,第十四屆會計理論與實務研討會,12月1-2日,中華會計教育學會/國立台灣大學會計系主辦。 |
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研討會論文 |
Chang, R. D., Chun-Ju Fang and Y.C. Tseng, 2005, “The Effects of Market Share and Market Competition on Audit Quality: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan,” Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association , August 7-10, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
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研討會論文 |
Chang, R. D., Chun-Ju Fang and Y.C. Tseng, 2005, “Understanding Earnings Management: A Time-series and Cross-sectional Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association , August 7-10, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
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研討會論文 |
張瑞當、沈文華、方俊儒,2006,「博達案對會計師簽發繼續經營有重大疑慮查核意見之影響:公司規模與財務困難變數調節效果之探討」,第十五屆會計理論與實務研討會,11月23-24日,中華會計教育學會/東吳大學會計學系主辦。 |
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研討會論文 |
Chang, R.D., Chun-Ju Fang, Y.C. Tseng and W.H. Shen, 2006, “ Accounting Conservatism of Financial Reporting in Taiwan : A Time-series and Cross-sectional Analysis ,” paper presented at the Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October 15-18, Maui , Hawaii , USA . |
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研討會論文 |
Chang, R.D., Chun-Ju Fang, Y.C. Tseng and W.H. Shen, 2006, “A Study on Earnings Management of the Affiliated Business Groups,” paper presented at the Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October 15-18, Maui , Hawaii , USA. |
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研討會論文 |
Fang, Chun-Ju, R. D Chang and Y. C. Tseng. 2007. "The Effects of the Information Disclosure and Evaluation System on Analysts' Forecasts" Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, August 5-8, Chicago, Illinois, USA. |
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研討會論文 |
Fang, Chun-Ju, T. Y. Shiao and L. C. Su. 2008. “The moderating role of audit market competition in the relationship between human capital and CPA firm performance” Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, August 3-6, Anaheim, CA, USA. |
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研討會論文 |
方俊儒、李秀英、龍春伶,2008,「獨立董監事對公司績效與盈餘品質之影響–控制股東之調節效果」,2008現代會計論壇研討會,5月2日,彰化師範大學會計系主辦。 |
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研討會論文 |
方俊儒、蕭子宜、蘇俐今,2008,「會計師事務所人力資本對其經營績效之影響-審計市場競爭之調節效」,2008會計理論與實務研討會,12月4-5日,中興大學會計系主辦。 |
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研討會論文 |
Fang, Chun-Ju. 2011. “The relationship between disclosure of audit fees and audit market competition” The 2011 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management. January 23-25, Bali, Indonesia. |
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研討會論文 |
Fang, Chun-Ju. 2011.“ The relationship between disclosure of audit fees and market share of industry specialiis evidence from Taiwan”The Second Asia Business and Management Conference, November 11-13, Osaka, Japan. |
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期刊論文 |
Tseng, Y.C., Chun-Ju Fang, and R.D. Chang. 2005. “How leadership style perception influences subordinate’s job satisfaction through task characteristics perception?” Review of Business Research 5(1): 147-162. |
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期刊論文 |
張瑞當、方俊儒,2006,「資訊揭露評鑑系統對企業盈餘管理行為之影響」,會計評論,第42期:1-22頁。(TSSCI) |
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期刊論文 |
張瑞當、方俊儒、曾玉琦,2007,「核心代理問題與盈餘管理:董事會結構與外部監督機制之探討」,管理學報,第24卷第1期:17-39頁。(TSSCI) |
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期刊論文 |
張瑞當、方俊儒、朱正雄,2007,「代理成本對自願性盈餘預測揭露之影響」,交大管理學報,第27卷第2期:29-53頁。(TSSCI) |
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期刊論文 |
張瑞當、方俊儒、沈文華,2008,「集團企業是否委託同一會計師事務所查核財務報表對其盈餘管理行為之影響」,管理評論,第27卷第2期:29-52頁。(TSSCI) |
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期刊論文 |
Chang, R. D., W. H. Shen and Chun-Ju Fang. 2008. “ Discretionary Loan Loss Provisions and Earnings Management for the Banking Industry” International Business and Economics Research Journal 7(3): 9-20. |
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期刊論文 |
方俊儒、莊勝傑、蔡宛婷,2008,「公司治理機制對財務報表盈餘品質的影響-以管理者使用應計項目的動機來看」,今日會計,第111卷:68-74頁。 |
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期刊論文 |
方俊儒、李秀英、龍春伶,2008,「獨立董監事對公司績效與盈餘品質之影響-控制股東之調節效果」,會計與公司治理,第5卷第1期:55-80頁。 |